Salt Watery Vegetables to Draw Moisture

Salt Vegetables to Draw Moisture

It’s Zippy Tip Tuesday!

Have you ever added vegetables, such as cucumber or zucchini to recipes, only to have your dish turn into a soggy watery mess?

Cole slaw turns to soup.

Eggplant Parmesan changes into a soppy stew.

Cucumber salad becomes a puddle.


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Make Your Own Chicken Stock

Make Your Own Chicken Stock

Nearly every week during the fall and winter months, I buy or make a rotisserie chicken and we snarf down the dark meat (our favorite part!). Then I pick the meat off of the rest of the chicken and make stock with the carcass.

I load the […]

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Bagel Chips

It’s Zippy Tip Tuesday!

One day last week, my S.O. (Significant Other) brought home some bagels from work that had been setting out all day. My first thought was, why do people leave out baked goods all day to allow them to get stale!? My second thought was, what am I going to […]

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