Tearlessly Chop Onions

Onion Goggles2

It’s Zippy Tip Tuesday!

As I lie here in bed with a bad case of chills and a pain that feels like I’m swallowing razor blades, I realize that the final voiceover editing that I was going to be doing for todays’s Zippy Tip video is just not going to […]

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Chopping Fresh Herbs with a Chef’s Knife

Chopping Fresh Herbs with a Chef's Knife

It’s Zippy Tip Tuesday!

Last week, I talked about the importance of Maintaining the Sharpness of Your Knives.

Today’s video is all about using a chef’s knife to chop fresh herbs.

There’s nothing better than adding fresh herbs to a recipe to brighten it up […]

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Tearlessly Chop Onions

Onion Goggles2

It’s Zippy Tip Tuesday!

I can’t tell you how many different methods I attempted to thwart off shedding tears when chopping onions. I’ve tried lighting a candle next to the cutting board. I’ve tried holding the onion under water while chopping it (not easy!). I’ve tried not cutting through the […]

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